Friends of the Cozumel Humane Society, Inc. (FOTCHS) is a U.S. based nonprofit charitable organization, that supports the work of The Humane Society of Cozumel Island (HSCI). FOTCHS is a tax-exempt organization approved, and recognized, by the Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Accordingly, contributions to FOTCHS qualify as a charitable donation on U.S. tax returns.
The Humane Society of Cozumel Island has made great strides since its formation 25 years ago. When we started, we were picking up dogs from every neighborhood. Sick and diseased dogs that could not survive in the streets. If you drive around downtown Cozumel today, you will have a hard time finding a dog that doesn’t have a home. 
As time went on the original founders of HSCI wanted to make it possible for U.S. citizens to make tax deductible contributions to support the activities of the society. In 2010 they formed Friends of the Cozumel Humane Society, Inc. by incorporating in the state of Texas, and making an application to the Internal Revenue Service for status as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. 
On January 12, 2011, that application was approved, and a determination letter was issued. A copy of the letter is available from us upon request, and on the IRS web site. Our tax ID# is 27-4046436. All tax-deductible donations received through FOTCHS are directed to the Humane Society of Cozumel Island. 
Our work is made possible through the many wonderful humans who have donated their time, talents and money. We work year-round sterilizing dogs and cats, 2,500-3,000 dogs and cats each year, through our daily campaign and TNR (trap/neuter/release) program. Additionally, our team outreach programs spread information on proper pet care. 
Education is vital, along with sterilization, to eradicate the population of unwanted pets in Cozumel. We will not stop until the suffering ceases to exist, every dog and cat has a home, and every man, woman and child fully understands proper pet care.
Through FRIENDS OF THE COZUMEL HUMANE SOCIETY, you can make a U.S. tax deductible donation. No donation is too small, and 100% of the donation is transferred to Cozumel and put directly to work at the HSCI. Donations can be made by PayPal or check.
Donations by PayPal can be made to [email protected]. Monthly recurring donations are especially appreciated. 
Donations by check should be made payable to Friends of the Cozumel
Humane Society, Inc., and mailed to:
Friends of the Cozumel Humane Society, Inc.
2169 S. Winding Creek Drive
Grapevine Tx 76051
In January of each year HSCI secretary, Gary Gomola, emails the required IRS tax exempt donation acknowledgement letters to each donor. 
The current FOTCH officers and board of directors are:
Lisa Anne Ramirez – President
Gary R. Gomola, CPA – Secretary
Robert P. Ramirez – Treasurer

★ We’re now accepting credit/debit card donations via Stripe! ★

Help Us Build a Brighter Future for Our Furry Friends!

Our Current Projects:

CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: We’re expanding our premises to include additional prep, surgery, and recovery space, a cattery and quarantine area, and our much-anticipated Cat Cafe! Please donate so we can finish the construction, help more animals, and open up our doors to more visitors!

SPAY NEUTER & VACCINE MASSIVE CAMPAIGN: We’re raising money not just for sterilization, but to vaccinate the animals of Cozumel against some of the worst and painful diseases which are unfortunately prevalent amongst street animals (including heartworm and distemper). Please help us help them!

Lend us a paw!

Tax-deductible Paypal account (US residents)

Regular Paypal account

Stripe (debit/credit card)